Health & lifestyle

Tips for Asking your Crush Out

You may be having a crush on a lady and you wish to ask them out for a date. This can be difficult because of the fear of her response. In most cases, men dread rejection. However, girls can only reject first dates if the guy asking for it, does it wrongly. This is why you should first master the best way to ask her out before making a move.
The following are the tips you can put to use to ensure she’ll agree to go on a date with you.

1. Prepare what to say in advance

Preparation is important because you will feel more confident when talking to her. Finding the right words to express your interest in going out with a lady for the first time can be difficult. You may fumble or use the wrong words which might turn them off. This is why it is important for you to arrange your thoughts and words perfectly well before approaching her. If you want to ask her out via text, prior preparation is equally necessary. It is easy to make a wrong choice of words which may alter your intention, or which may portray a bad image about yourself. Remember, ladies are emotional beings and words mean a lot to them. Therefore, find the right words to use when asking them out. You may not necessarily cram and recite everything, but it’s good to know what to say and how to say it.

2. Find the right moment

You may have the best words to use in asking her out, but if she’s in a bad mood, she’ll obviously decline. Therefore, when you meet her, you should spark a little conversation to help you read her mood. The conversation will also ease the tension amongst you, especially if you’re meeting for the first time. If the lady doesn’t seem excited or she exhibits gloomy and disinterested attitude, postpone it. There’s a next time to ask her out, so you should wait for the right opportunity.

3. Find the right place

The place where you make your proposal for a date can determine if she’ll accept or decline. For example, if you ask her out in front of her friends, there are high chances she will decline. Thus, you should ask her out privately because she’ll be comfortable making the decision. If she’s with friends, you can request her to move aside from them. If you’re making the request via text, you should find the right time to do it. For instance, it’s more likely she’ll accept your invitation if it’s made in the evening.

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4. Approach her confidently

The confidence you portray while at it is very crucial. Ladies like confident guys. Maintain eye-contact and speak calmly without a trembling voice. You can practice it in your own room before actually doing it. You can, for example, record yourself pretending to talk to her and listen to yourself. If you feel it requires adjustments, make them accordingly. You could also practice it while standing in front of the mirror.

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